"Beautiful Morning" (pastel, 24x24 inches) $2200
This was the demo begun on the Sunday of opening weekend of my 2-Woman Show with Jeannette Cuevas at Cactus Jack's in Gruene, Texas, way back in October. Ok, so I'm slow about getting around to finishing things. I have my priorities, and it wasn't until now, when I have 3 weeks to prepare for an art fair AND a solo show, with another art fair 5 weeks after that (which will be during said solo show,) that my priorities got around to finishing some half-done works..
This one will be with me for the
Texas State Arts and Crafts Show in Kerrville, TX, at the end of the month. If it survives that without selling, it will go on to my
solo show in Breckenridge, TX in June. Meanwhile, I just might take it over to Cactus Jack's for the next week and a half, just in case.
I've been painting like crazy in the studio the past few days, and have (I think) finished one 24x30 new painting, am half-done with a 32x32, and have primed another 22x28 piece. I don't want to 'give anything away' too soon, but I'll give you all a sneak peak at the primer-underpaintings for those three, which I prepared on the same day last week...
22x28 primer underpainting for pastel painting |
24x30 primer underpainting for pastel painting that's finished -- I think! Stay tuned for new posts. |
32x32 primer underpainting for pastel painting that is currently about 1/2 done... |
For all you new readers, I can explain that my current underpainting method is using pastel primers, that is, acrylic-based toned gesso that has pumice in it for grit that the pastel will stick to. I have two favorite pastel primers that I use in combination. One is Art Spectrum pastel primer, the terra cotta color. The other is the Golden brand Fine Pumice Gel, with Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold acrylic color (Golden brand) added to it (at about a 2/1 ratio). The resultant gold primer is slightly transparent, so I apply 2 or 3 layers for some variation of values. The Art Spectrum terra cotta color goes on top (or sometimes in between the gold layers) to add the dark value.
So before I even apply any pastel, I have up to 3 of my values already laid out in my underpainting! Stay tuned for more posts in the coming days! (Or just subscribe to my blog, if you haven't yet, so you won't miss anything!)
Thanks for reading, and please share!