Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sweet Dreams

"Sweet Dreams"  (pastel, 8x8 inches) framed, $375

The Bayou City Art Festival was another great success. Not surprising with the absolutely perfect weather!

Here's one that I'm very surprised didn't sell. It's so fresh, I hadn't even had a chance to post it. Since these sweet dreaming piglets are already framed, the retail price is $375. If it doesn't sell between now and mid-May, it will be included in my show "Beauty of the Beast" at the Rockport Center for the Arts, Rockport TX, May 14 - June 13, 2015. I'll have all circles and squares there.

Here are some progress shots:

Thanks for watching! Please share!


Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Better to Hear You With, My Dear!

"The Better to Hear You With, My Dear!"  (pastel, 16x16 inches)  $975

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Muzzle Nuzzle

"Muzzle Nuzzle"  (pastel, 32x32 inches)  $4000

This makes the third large painting that these two young Herefords have been the stars of. First was "Brotherly Love", then there was "Nibbling Sibling". I'm going to have a hard time finding a title to the next one, assuming I can scrounge another composition out of the few photos that I caught.

Muzzle Nuzzle will be with me at the Bayou City Art Festival in Memorial Park, Houson TX. Find this and all my newest available work in booth #3 this weekend March 27-29, 2015!

"Brotherly Love" (pastel, 22x28) 2013, sold

"Nibbling Sibling" (pastel, 22x28) 2014, sold

 Here are few of the progress shots for Muzzle Nuzzle.. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ivy (aka: Iris)

"Ivy"  (pastel, 6x6 inches) click here to bid

You guessed it, Ivy is another view of the Real Iris. But, different painting, different title...

I had a very productive weekend! But I now have a framing dilemma for my abundance of new 6x6's. I have more paintings than frames that size! So, good for you, I have to choose about 8 or 9 of them to frame and bring with me to the Bayou City Art Festival in Houston this weekend, and let the rest of them stay unframed and on auction at DailyPaintworks. I've decided to let Ivy join the DPW crowd!

Stay tuned the next two days for my latest large works (yes, more!); the 32x32 Herefords and the 16x16 deer (hopefully will have titles before I have to post them!)

Here are some Ivy progress shots (Thank you to Frances of the Garden Gallery for the great reference shot!)

Thanks for watching! Please share!


Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Lost Prince

"The Lost Prince"  (pastel, 36x36 inches)  $5000

Here it is, finally! My newest big showstopper just in time for the Bayou City Art Festival in Memorial Park, Houson TX. Find this and all my newest available work in booth #3 this weekend March 27-29, 2015.

When BFF sold so fast, I quickly found another image to fit the frame I had intended for it. Here's the first two layers of gold primer on a 16x16 deer with attitude. ..I hope I'll have time to finish it by Wednesday!

Saturday, March 21, 2015


"BFF"  (pastel, 16x16 inches)  sold

This one sold before I could post it! A client loved the underpainting peek from last week and staked her claim!
Here are some progress shots:

Thanks for watching! Please share!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pirate Sheep

"Pirate Sheep"  (pastel, 24x24 inches)  $2200

Captain, First Mate, and crew... (yes, girls can be pirates!) I took liberty with the Captain's ear tags and made them shiny gold!

This one's going to Houston with me for the Bayou City Art Festival, March 27-29, 2015. I'm in booth #3 near the main entrance!

Lots of progress shots.. this one took a while:

Thanks for watching! Please share!
