Thursday, June 25, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #32 - Bala

Warm Fuzzy #32 - "Bala" (pastel, 6x6 inches) click here to bid or buy

This dear little deer is the product of my first free "test market" Virtual Live Open Studio Days which I held last Sunday on Zoom with 11 or 12 lovely volunteers who put up with my techie glitches, static-y audio and frame-skipping video.

Speaking of which, I've posted the link to the video on my brand new Patreon Page!

Yes, I've finally jumped in and become a Patreon Creator. I haven't officially "launched" yet, and only have 4 posts, but I plan to turn it into a pumped up version of my blog, with more descriptive posts, helpful tips, and a variety of short (and long) videos. It's still a work in progress, but I wanted to give you, my faithful blog subscriber, this early chance to check it out. I'd love to hear what you think! (I'd love if you'd like to subscribe too and become one of my first Patreon Patrons!)


Sunday, June 14, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #31 - Moondust

Warm Fuzzy #31 - "Moondust" (pastel, 6x6 inches) sold

This little calf was fun to paint! I had several layers in the underpainting that helped make her colorful coat more vibrant.

I'm also excited to say (FINALLY!!) that my studio live streaming video setup is making some real progress (with the help of my computer-science major son) and tomorrow I will be doing a test recording while streaming to Zoom (with no audience yet!) and if everything works as it should I'll be scheduling some Virtual Open Studio days, and we'll see where that leads!

Let me know if you'd like to be on my wait list for future online lessons or casual Open Studio days!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #30 - Rosie

Warm Fuzzy #30 - "Rosie" (pastel, 6x4 inches) click here to bid or buy

Someone told me alpacas were nicer than llamas. I've met a few and I have to agree. And though they're both cute in my eyes, alpacas are cuter too. And VERY soft. A perfect pick for my Warm Fuzzy series!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #29 - Pan

Warm Fuzzy #29 - "Pan" (pastel, 7x5 inches) click here to bid or buy

A young goat from a recent drive through the hill country. It was a gloriously sunny spring morning.


Saturday, June 6, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #28 - Mulberry Bun

 Warm Fuzzy #28 - "Mulberry Bun" (pastel, 7x5 inches) click here to bid or buy

Another baby bun from ... yes... Fry's Fun Farm! Luckily I caught plenty of good pics last July and am still harvesting some from my files. I hope all of Fry's warm fuzzies are getting plenty of love and petting from the owners while they're not able to tour any events.


 Here, the background got just a bit overworked, and I noticed that he seemed to be leaning a bit to the left.. I wiped off the background there and reapplied with fresher stokes, and added a bit more fuzz to his right rear leg to give him more stability.
Thanks for watching! Please share!


Friday, June 5, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #27 - Elysia

Warm Fuzzy #27 - "Elysia" (pastel, 7x5 inches) sold

I was able to get this one little demo done at the Carriage House Gallery on Thursday. (I started a bunny too, which will be my next post!)