"Blaize" (pastel, 7x5 inches) This little Arabian colt was painted at one of my Virtual Open Studio days last month. She will be part of my inventory for the Woodlands Waterway (Virtual) Arts Festival coming up Oct 16-18, 2020. The Woodlands Arts Council, creators of the WWAF, have done an amazing job creating an online experience to connect collectors and artists, including a silent auction, musical performances, artist interviews and more. Check it out here on the 16th when it goes LIVE!
I've been getting all my recent paintings uploaded to my virtual art "booth/gallery". I'll even a Zoom chat room available over the weekend! I'm really looking forward to this online art festival. I've got good vibes about it. After so long being isolated with so many events canceled month after month, this one seems to have a great grasp of the new virtual reality and is making the most of it.
So I hope you can get on your tablet or laptop in the comfort of your home, enjoy the show, and support the arts this coming weekend!
(Take a sneak peek at my WWAF virtual gallery/store here. I'm uploading new works daily.)
"Blaize" pastel, 7x5 inches, $325 framed and free shipping in the US
PS: Subscribe to my Patreon page for instant access to the full length demo video of
the pasteling of "Blaize", and many more fun, informative pastel videos!