I don't do politics, really. I just like painting almost everything.
I saw this poor fish on a beach near Galveston last month and I thought it was cute (Ok, I'm weird. But it IS cute, isn't it?)
I was painting these 2 views of the poor thing, at the NB Art League last Saturday, and several artist friends assumed this was my

response to the oil spill.
OK, that works for me.
I just like to paint, and leave the interpretation to my viewers. (Besides, when I look at these, my judgment is clouded by the memory of how difficult those bubbles were!)

These next 4 paintings are my response to several artists telling me that "...beach scenes sell well in Rockport."
I am NOT inspired by beach scenes!

I do, however, tend to become totally and completely hypnotized by the flow of waves upon a beach. I can waste several hundred megabytes of storage space and 2 sets of batteries photographing what seems to be the same wave approaching over and over again. Except that it's NOT the same wave, it's different! ALL of them are different and I still believe I'll be able to capture that most

perfect of waves if I just wait and see what the NEXT one will look like.
And so it continues... while the nape of my neck turns red and the clams nibble on my toes.

I threw this one in here to show what my first layer of color looks like (and because I just didn't have time to finish this one yet!) I thought it looked kind of interesting at this point.
These six new paintings (all about 5x5) will be with me next month at the Rockport (TX) Art Fest, July 3 & 4. They are, in order, "Dead Fish 1", "Dead Fish 2", "Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3" and "Wave 4" (unfinished).
I know, real imaginative titles. But like I say, the viewer can re-name them in their mind...