2 new awards!
Each year, the Texas Arts & Crafts Educational Foundation
recognizes the best in each category at it's annual Texas State Arts & Crafts Fair. This year I was honored to receive the Best in Painting award. Here is my impressive booth! (The jeweler in the adjacent booth was accidentally assigned a double space, which she shared with her neighbors on either side... the extra 5 feet of space really improved my display! Thanks Karen!)
The Texas Pastel Society held the reception for their 2cd Annual nation Juried Competition in my home town of New Braunfels on Friday. I received Second Place in the Portrait/Animal
category with "Juliet", one of the latest in my Renaissance Portrait series. Here I am with "Juliet" (8x6) and "Number Three" (24x20)
The show continues through June 29 at the New Braunfels Art League Gallery in historic downtown New Braunfels. Check it out!
Congratulations, Rita!! Thank you for sharing the view of your booth, it looks gorgeous. And I absolutely love your Renaissance Portrait series.Every single one is an award winner in my opinion!