And a finer group of talented artists I have not yet seen! Each year it becomes a greater challenge to win something in this show as the skill of the members increases, but that's what I love the most - the challenge pushes my work to new heights. Last year I made the time to paint more than I have in a long while, and it's been a great feeling to have recognition for the improvements that result from putting in the work hours. There's nothing like a brand new easel and a set of Great American Artworks pastels (Yes! APS has the BEST prizes!) to inspire one to start working on NEXT year's show pieces!
Of course, who knows really what works I'll have ready in January of 2011, but if I paint something every day (well, ok, every week at least..) what I'll end up with by then will be something better than this year's crop. The real fun is the adventure of the process!

The show is at the Chase Bank Building Corridor of Art, 7th and Lavaca, Austin Tx, until May 2, 2010.
A BIG Congratulations to you, Rita!! These 2 pieces are fantastic. "Bride's Maid" is one of my very favorites, and to think it's only 6"x8". I love the beautiful colors you use. Way to go, Rita. These 2 are definitely worthy of top awards!!