Monday, August 17, 2020

Warm Fuzzy #39 - Maurice


Warm Fuzzy #39 - "Maurice" (pastel, 8x8 inches, sold)

Sometimes a client will see and want a painting that has sold, and I'll offer to paint another from the same reference photo. This happened with the recent Warm Fuzzy #31 - "Moondust" (pastel, 6x6):

So I sent the client who missed out on Moondust to my "pet portraits" price list and let him pick a size! He decided on an 8x8, and "Maurice" was painted during my last Virtual Open Studio days.

When I have to "repeat" a painting like this, I like to make sure I don't refer back to the original painting too much, but instead start fresh from the reference photo. I don't want to make an exact COPY of the painting (which I have had to do once or twice in the past, and it's not much fun..) but instead this assures that the new painting is a unique piece of artwork in itself with the colors and strokes. That's usually what the client likes too.

(Reference photo):

Have you ever had to 'repeat' a painting for someone, and how did it come out? Did you enjoy the process?

I invite you to join me on Patreon, where you can watch the underpainting and pastel process videos in these links!

Underpainting (along with a fat mama Hereford): 

The pastel:


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